January 24: NEK Day @ the Statehouse (Virtual)
NEK Day @ the Statehouse 2022 was Monday, January 24th from 10:00am - 11:30am via Zoom. Watch the recording →
Every January, we bring residents together with our Vermont State Senators and Representatives to ensure your voices are heard loud and clear in Montpelier. NEK Day at the Statehouse is an event open to all NEKers which provides a rare opportunity to connect directly with the legislators who represent the region.
Photo by John Snell, MontpelierAlive.com
This will mark the fourth NEK Day at the Statehouse Event hosted by the NEK Collaborative, and boy is there a lot to talk about. Northeast Kingdom citizens work some of the longest average hours for the lowest average incomes in Vermont. Kingdom Housing markets are among the most susceptible in Vermont to out of state buyers pricing out our essential workers. Counties in the Northeast Kingdom have the least access to high-quality childcare and mental health care.
Now what?
Our local and regional partners are working hard to ensure that the changes we need are implemented.
This year, we’re advocating:
Workforce development
Access to housing
Access to affordable, high-quality childcare
A thriving Northern Vermont University
Comprehensive mental health support