The Northeast Kingdom Collaborative is a non-profit organization operating in the heart of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom- that’s Caledonia, Orleans, and Essex counties. It is full of some of the kindest, most forward-thinking and open-hearted people in the world. We believe that. But kindness, thought good hearts can only take a region so far. Historically, the Northeast Kingdom has gone underrepresented and undersupported in state legislation.
The NEK Collaborative has been instrumental in finding regional solutions to the regional issues of the Northeast Kingdom- and we have never been more busy. On top of our regular sector convenings, the past three years has seen an exponential increase in the programs we’ve headed. (We’re doing something right!) An investment in the NEKC is just that- an investment in collaboration across the Northeast Kingdom.
With your help, we're building a strong, vibrant Northeast Kingdom.
… Or Connect!
If you’re interested in supporting The Collaborative’s mission, we’d love to hear from you. We partner with organizations, people, and businesses all over the Northeast Kingdom. Fill out the form below and start the conversation right here, right now, today!
None of these options feel right? You can always mail a check made out to Northeast Kingdom Collaborative. Our mailing address is:
PO Box 4043
St Johnsbury VT, 05819
Donations to the Collaborative are tax deductible as provided by law.
Thank you for your consideration ♥