A lot of NEK communities, businesses and individuals were hit hard by the July 2024 floods. Now the recovery process has begun. Please find listed below NEK-Specific resources to help you, your loved ones and your region as a whole recover swiftly, and grow back strong.
Below, you will find resources sorted into their most convenient categories. To see a type of resources expanded, simply tap on it.
If there are any resources missing from this page, please do not hesitate to contact to have your resource added immediately.
July 2024 Floods
Report damages to Vermont 211 to ensure that the state receives necessary recovery funding. Please take photos and notes of flood damages, as well as repair costs.
Report Residential Damages→
Report Business Damages→Report disruptions to food access, such as grocery store, food pantry and other retail food outlets to your town or local emergency management contact. You may additionally help by filling in this form:
Report Food Access Disruptions→
Call the CrisisCleanup Hotline if you need assistance with the damage caused by flooding. This line will connect you to local relief organizations, community groups, and faith communities who may be able to help with flood-related home damages.
Report needs for volunteer assistance to NEK Organizing, who are hard at work putting together volunteer groups.
Call or text NEKO (802) 321-3317→
Remember to:
Contact your insurance company. This will be required before receiving federal support, if federal support is given. If you are denied, keep a copy of your denial letter.
Take time-stamped photos and/or videos before cleanup.
Keep all receipts for equipment bought or rented to deal with flood damage.
KURRVE (Kingdom United Recovery & Resilience Effort) has put together the following registration platform for offering volunteer. Register for daily volunteer projects→
Locally Social Gives, inc, a local St Johnsbury non-profit, is currently raising funds for relief grants targeted directly at NEK residents. See fundraiser here→
Register resources/help on NEKO's resource spreadsheet→
Volunteer via the State. The state has set up a volunteer organization network, which gives flood response all over the state.
Donate to recovery efforts via KURRVE. Kingdom United Resilience & Recovery Effort (KURRVE) is a region-specific collaboration of local organizations, with the mission to provide services to individuals and families affected by the July 2024 flooding. This will also support regional response and recovery from any future crisis or disaster events
NEK Organizing (NEKO) has been working to establish neighbor-to-neighbor mutual aid networks. Among other projects, they have begun compiling a spreadsheet of flooding resources→, primarily community members who have amenities to give.
Reach out to your local groups to receive basic assistance with all flood-related difficulties. If you would like to be added to this list, please contact→
Barton Neighbor-to-Neighbor
Call: Jacqueline Laurion (802) 355-6260
Neighbors in action.
Craftsbury Neighbor-to-Neighbor
Coventry Neighborhood Action Group
Call Jim Cobb (802) 673-6792→
Glover Neighbor-to-Neighbor
Call Glover EMS Office (802) 525-3560→
Call: Emergency Manager (EMD), Phill Brooks (802) 673-4030→
Hardwick Neighbor-to-Neighbor
The Civic Standard, checked constantly
Northeast Kingdom Organizing, checked daily
H.O.P.E. in Lyndonvilleis a supply distribution hub for flood clean-up supplies.
Barnet Village Church on Church Street is currently an acting supply hub for flood specific supplies.
As requests come in, please refer to NEKCA at 1-855-663-5224 (Monday through Friday 8am-4pm) for current information.
TheAmerican Red Cross of Northern New England→ provides volunteer and financial support.
NVDA staff have begun in-person outreach to NEK Businesses as of July 15th. If you would like them to meet with your business, gather damage information, and collect contact information so that businesses can be connected with available recovery resources going forward, please contact:
Dave (NVDA Director)
Annie (Community & Economic Specialist)
Kyle (Regional Planner)
Find information on water safety from
Free water test kits are being made available to Vermonters with impacted wells. You can obtain one online→, by calling 802-338-4724 or 800-660-9997 (toll free in Vermont), or by visiting your local health office.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides information on how to safely clean up after a flood, and how to prevent mold in your home or business.
Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources has a page of resources on how to safely clean up after a flood pump out a basement, and take other mitigation measures.
The NEK Council on Aging has staff to support and guide elderly and disabled NEK residents in accessing resources. You can reach them directly at 802-748-5182 or 802-334-2190 or toll-free at 800-642-5119.
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets has a page of resources→ on reporting damage and loss, crop growers, produce growers, dairy operations, meat and poultry processors, and recovery funding opportunities.
UVM Extension has an extensive page of resources→ on managing flood damage.
For help in assessing and reporting field and crop damage, you can contact the USDA Farm Service Agency County Offices:
Caledonia and Essex Counties- Patty Matte, County Executive Director, 802-748-2641 X 3146,
Orleans County- Heather Mateja, County Executive Director, 802-334-6090 X 128,
Vermont Emergency Management→ has a page dedicated to flood resources.
Sign up to receive the ACCD Severe Storm Recovery Newsletter→for updates on Vermont’s recovery efforts.
Sign up to receive real-time alerts and notices from the government on floods and other concerning events from the VTAlert Service→
Like what you see? Subscribe to the NEK Collaborative at the bottom of the screen!
Vermont emergency management information page
Road quality information:→
For the latest state road closures, please visit→
Keep up with current flood warnings at→
To report a hazardous material spill, call 802-828-1138→